- On Mondays we now have our weekly walking group for new mums (of any age) who have a baby under 6 months. Providing a chance to explore the local area and meet with other parents. The group meets from different local places each week – you can arrange to attend by emailing joanne@steppingstonesnorthedinburgh.co.uk.
- We are continuing to develop our work with Granton Community Gardeners and have some great group work opportunities for young parent families coming up including – ‘Many Uses for Tatties’ on 25th Nov where the group will be making Christmas cards using potatoes for printing and Christmas ‘Earths’ for your Christmas tree using ECO-polystyrene balls; 2nd Dec a Botanical Adventure; 9th Dec Christmas Wreaths and 16th Dec for a Christmas Celebration where we will make non-alcoholic mulled wine and decorate picture frames from resources within the garden.
- On Tuesdays we are meeting at Turtle Dove Cafe so young parent families can escape the outdoors and children can explore and play with peers.
- On Thursdays we continue to deliver peep each week and are hoping to move this to an local indoor space soon.
- Our Bump Start Project are delivering an on-line yoga programme.
- All of our one to one support services are running with a blend of remote support and face to face where appropriate, referrals can be made direct to moragwilson@steppingstonesnorthedinburgh.co.uk.
- Finally we are supporting our families with access to winter clothing, Christmas gifts and food vouchers in the coming weeks.