Wellbeing for Wee Ones

March 2, 2021

Wellbeing for Wee Ones

It has been a particularly tough tome for everyone over the last year, whether you are a new parent or one with a growing family. Either way, it can be difficult to know whether you’re doing the best thing for your baby. That’s why we’ve partnered with Parent Club to tell you about their Wellbeing for Wee Ones campaign.

The new campaign from Parent Club aims to reassure parents that from day one simple things like signing and chatting help their babies feel happy, loved and emotionally supported, now and into the future.

The Parent Club ‘Wellbeing for Wee Ones’ campaign hub provides expert advice on easy ways for caregivers to support their baby’s brain development and emotional wellbeing as part of everyday activities like:

  • Read or tell your little one a story.
  • Smile at your baby while keeping eye contact.
  • Have fun making silly noises.

To find out more about the Wellbeing for Wee Ones campaign and how it can help parents support their wee one’s emotional and social health, visit parentclub.scot/wellbeing


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