Summer Holidays

July 2, 2020

Summer Holidays

It may now be the summer holidays but we are still here providing support and planning activities for local families. Included in our summer activity packs is a treasure hunt which we’ve planned around North Edinburgh, click on the new tab on our website to find out more. Or read on here to find out about the rest of our summer plans.

This week families will receive a summer pack containing ideas and equipment for both sunny and rainy days. Families will be invited to take part in a Bake Off and join our Treasure Hunt.  The Treasure Hunt has been prepared for the whole community and local children can search for pictures of treasure displayed by different services in the area, as well as leave a wish on a Wishing Tree, add to our ‘Message in a Bottle’ boxes and decorate a rock for a rock trail.

The Treasure Hunt will run from the 1st to 15th July and more information can be found here (

Feedback from a parent; “I just has a look at the activity bag, it is absolutely awesome!! Great ideas, we will swamp you with bear photos during the holidays. Please say thanks to all your colleagues that created this. Love it!”

We also have packs going out to our Bump Start families who will receive mindfullness colouring, a journal, loose leaf teas (thanks to Grass Roots Remedies) and recipes to help them relax during pregnancy and the early days of having a new baby.

Our weekly Zoom groups are continuing throughout summer and we soon hope to be able to meet in small groups (2-3 households) in local outdoor spaces so that we can help families re-connect with their community and peers. We have already started face to face one to ones with some families, all outdoors and physically distanced at the moment but it’s been great to be able to offer this support to some of our most in need families.

Staff will also be working hard over summer to plan for what the new term in August will look like and there are already some great ideas being shared.  We hope to get in touch with families soon to ask what you would like to see happening in the new term.

Finally next week we will have our Stepping Stones Lockdown scrapbooks coming out and we can’t wait to share the pictures.

Please keep in touch, referrals for all aspects of support can be sent on to and we look forward to welcoming you all back soon.

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