Happy New Year and Here’s what we are delivering so far in 2021

January 20, 2021

Happy New Year and Here’s what we are delivering so far in 2021

A little look at what we are delivering next week, which we will continue to adapt in order to ensure it meets the needs of local families.

There will be changing themes and topics within the groups to help keep families engaged. Whilst a couple of the groups are closed, many are open for new families to try out and you just need to get in touch via info@steppingstonesnorthedinburgh.co.uk to see if there is space available.

We will of course continue to work inline with Scottish Government guidance and will try and resume more face to face group work when we are permitted to do so.

We are also still delivering a variety of one to one support for families, including our sleep clinic and one to one support for primary aged children.

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